Wednesday 5 March 2014

Pull apart bread with Schezwan paste and veggie.

Pull apart bread with Schezwan paste and veggie.

I decided to bake Pull apart bread with Schezwan paste and veggie for We Knead To Bake #14 challenge. Thanks to Aparna for the opportunity. 

Pull Apart Bread is nothing but bread that can be “pulled apart” for individual servings. It can be made in different variations by different stuffing’s like, Cheese, herbs, Veggies or even a fruits / Chocolate. It’s also widely known as Monkey Bread.

In order to give a Chinese punch, thought of stuffing veggies with Schezwan paste. It’s also spicy too. 

Before going into it, can you guess the Indian bread, close to this? (Answer at the end of this post)

Let’s split the process in to two, one is the Dough (for bread) making another preparing the stuffing. 

Following Ingredients are required for the Dough:  1/2 cup warm milk ;  1 tsp sugar  ;  2 tsp active dry yeast  ;   2 3/4 to 3 cups all-purpose flour  ;  1 tsp salt  ;  25 gm butter, soft at room temperature  ;   3/4 to 1 tsp garlic paste  ;   3/4 cup milk (a couple of tbsp to brush over the bread)

Ingredients are required for  the Filling:  15 to 20gm melted butter brushing  ;  Onion  strips -1 big  ;   Capsicum strip -1  ;   Carrot strip -1  ;  Schezwan paste -1 tbsp   ;  Tomato sauce -2 tsp  ;   Oil- 1tsp  ;  Salt –to taste

Lets make the preparations for filling,  sauté onion in a pan with oil, later add carrot, Capsicum strips sauté about 3min add schezwan paste, salt and tomato sauce sauté about 4min. keep aside let it cool.

Meanwhile, let’s start the dough preparation (for bread). 

Dissolve the sugar and the yeast in the 1/2 cup of warm milk. Keep aside for about 5 minutes till it become frothy.

Add salt, softened butter, garlic paste in the bowl and mix it well and add yeast mixture, 3/4 cup of milk and 2 cups of flour knead till soft, smooth and elastic / pliable dough which is not sticky.

Add a little extra flour if dough is sticking, but only just as much as is necessary.

Shape the dough into a ball shape, coat it completely with oil.

Place it in a well-oiled bowl and Cover with damp cloth. Allow it rise for about 60 to 90 min or until almost double in volume.

Meanwhile, Grease the loaf tin and dust with flour.

Deflate the enlarged dough; divide in to 12 small balls.

Take a ball and roll it about 5’’  oval shape and brush it with melted butter and keep 1 tbsp filling and seam it with a fork or with your fingers. (Just like making “samosa” If it over filled, bread may not rise well) and keep it grease loaf tin. Make sure the seamed portion facing up.

Similarly, Do the same with the rest and arrange one by one like an array.

Cover the loaf tin with damp cloth for second raise for about 45 min. lightly brush with some milk over the top of the loaf, to give a good texture to the bread.

Keep the loaf at preheated oven and Bake at 180°C (350°F) for about 30 to 40 minutes until it’s done.

Now, the bread can be Pulled Apart for individual serving and taste Awesome with spicy Schezwan paste. My son loves it with Mayonnaise dip. 

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